World Wide Mirror Sites
This chip directory is mirrored all over the world
so you can choose a fast site near you.
Below you can see which version each site currently has installed.
Hit the escape key to stop the downloading of the version numbers.
They are fetched from the different sites themselves and some may
(temporarily) not be available.
An empty box or a box with a broken image means that the server
can't be reached.
I remove the links to the sites that haven't been updated for
well over a year or that can't be reached repeatedly from the
Netherlands on a quiet moment of the day.
The version number used to denote the year within the century and the month
when the version was ready for mirroring. So '0109' means September 2001.
This has changed by now and from updated sites you will see the complete year and month numbers.
'TEST' means a new version that is being tested, it usually contains
more and updated content but may also contain annoying errors.
It will usually only run on Amsterdam 1.
See below for using this page to determine the fastest mirror site for you.
If you want to remember some Chipdir URL's by heart, it's quite easy:
So most of the domain suffixes will work except 'com' which was cyber-squated by Ultimate Search.
The site you're looking at has version:

You can use this page to determine which mirror site is fastest for you.
Just reload the page and watch which version GIF's come up quickly.
Consider however that:
- Your browser may load things from it's cache.Therefore, clean the cache first (only for freaks...) ordo a full reload (under Netscape press the shift key andclick reload).
- Browsers load their items via a limited number of channels, say 10.So it will (try to) load only 10 things at the same time. Afterone thing has succesfully been loaded another item istried. When the first 10 things load slowly the next thingsalso seem slow...
- Load times depend a lot on the time of day and not onlyon your time of day, but also on that of the sending server.