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Chip numbers starting with 290

nr name cat description manufacturer
290 AD2S90 Low Cost, Complete 12-Bit Resolver-to-Digital Converter, data AD
290 ADR290 vref Low Noise, Micropower 2.048V Reference, data AD
290 OP290 amp* Dual* Precision, Low Power, Micropower Dual* Operational Amplifier, data AD
2900 PMB2900-H telecom GSM Baseboard Codec* (GBBC) (SMD) Siemens
29000 Am29000 mpu RISC CPU, Incl, PDF (337 Kb) PS (914 Kb) AMD*
29005 Am29005 mpu RISC CPU, Incl, PDF (337 Kb) PS (914 Kb) AMD*
2901 cpu Bit slice CPU component (Very obsolete) AMD*
2901 AU2901 cmp quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
2901 Am2901 cpu 4 bit bit-slice processor element AMD $0.50
2901 LM2901 cmp quad* single supply comparator (LM339)
2901 LM2901 cmp quad* voltage comparator DIL14 Philips
29010 eeprom,flash 128k*8 Flash Memory AMD*, Motorola
29010 29EE010 128k * 8 EEPROM, pinout AMD
29010 29F010 flash Flash memory 128x8 order from Barend
29010 29c010a flash, pinout atmel
29010 AT29BV010A eeprom,flash 128K x 8 200-350 ns 1-Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29010 AT29C010A eeprom,flash 128K x 8 70-200 ns 1-Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29010 AT29LV010A eeprom,flash 128K x 8 200-250 ns 1-Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
2902 AU2902 amp* quad* low-power opamp* DIL14 Philips
2902 LM2902 amp* quad* low-power opamp* DIL14 Philips
2902 LM2902 amp* quad* single supply opamp* (LM324)
29020 AT29BV020 eeprom,flash 256K x 8 250-350 ns 2-Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29020 AT29C020 eeprom,flash 256K x 8 100-200 ns 2-Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29020 AT29LV020 eeprom,flash 256K x 8 200-250 ns 2-Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29027 Am29027 fpu Arithmetic accelerator AMD*
2903 AU2903 cmp Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
2903 LM2903 cmp Low-power dual* voltage comparator DIL8 Philips
2903 LM2903 cmp dual* comparator (LM393)
29030 Am29030 mpu RISC CPU, PDF (204 Kb) PS (530 Kb), PDF (27 Kb) PS (78 Kb), PDF (62 Kb) PS (93 Kb) AMD*
29035 Am29035 mpu RISC CPU, PDF (204 Kb) PS (530 Kb), PDF (27 Kb) PS (78 Kb), PDF (62 Kb) PS (93 Kb) AMD*
2904 AU2904 amp* dual* low-power opamp* DIL8 Philips
2904 LM2904 Low Power Dual* Operational Amplifier, pinout National Semiconductor
2904 LM2904 amp* dual* low-power opamp* DIL8 Philips
2904 LM2904 amp* dual* opamp* low power (LM358)
29040 eeprom,flash 512k*8 Flash Memory AMD*, Motorola
29040 AT29BV040A eeprom,flash 512K x 8 250-350 ns 4-Mbit, 2.7-Volt Read and 2.7-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 AT29C040A eeprom,flash 512K x 8 120-250 ns 4-Mbit, 5-Volt Read and 5-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 AT29LV040A eeprom,flash 512K x 8 200-250 ns 4-Mbit, 3-Volt Read and 3-Volt Write Flash EPROM*
29040 Am29040 mpu RISC CPU, PDF (306 Kb) PS (972 Kb) AMD*
29041 Am29041 periph Data transfer controller for the 29000-family AMD*
2905 PMB2905-F telecom GSM analog Module (GAIM) (SMD) Siemens
29050 Am29050 mpu RISC processor, PDF (337 Kb) PS (985 Kb) AMD*
29062 Am29062 sram Integrated cache unit with 8K bytes RAM AMD*
2907 MPQ2907 Transistor array, pinout
2907 pn2907a transis sig trx 60v 600ma pnp t092 ST
2909 Am2909 cpu microprogram controller AMD

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When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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