Chip Directory

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About the SHARC* family


Comment from Analog

Date:         19970130
Subject:      Analog Devices SHARC*

I suggest that you may wish to add the Analog Devices
SHARC* Floating Point DSP to your list of chips known primarily by name.
It is becoming very popular in the DSP arena.  You can lift a description off
of the Web ( Or, if you wish, I have enclosed a brief overview.

SHARC* DSP's from Analog Devices. SHARC* stands for Super HArvard
Architecture Computer. The SHARC* is a 40 MIPS Floating Point DSP
with a 25nS instruction rate. The processor features a 120 MFLOPS* peak
instruction rate (80 MFLOPS* sustained). The base part numbers in the family are
ADSP-21060 and ADSP-21062. The 21060 includes 4Mbit of on board SRAM*
arranged in two blocks of 128K words (x 32) of data memory and 80K words
(x 48) of program memory (or any combination thereof)
and the 21062 includes 2 MBit of onboard SRAM*
arranged in 64K words (x 32) of data memory and 40K words (x 48) of program
memory (or any combination thereof).
Visit the ADI Web Site at or EMail
for more info.

See also - SHARC* page

local - See the other families of processors.

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