Chip Directory

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Chip numbers starting with 215

nr name cat description manufacturer
215 AD215 amp* 120 kHz Bandwidth, Low Distortion, Isolation Amplifier, data AD
215 OP215 amp* Dual*, JFET Input, data AD
215 XR215 pll 40 MHz PLL* by Exar order from Barend
215 XR215 pll Monolithic Phase-Lock Loop, Data Exar
215 XR215A pll Monolithic Phase-Locked Loop Exar
2150 dsp DSP Microcomputer AD*
2150 MK2150A clock,datacom 16 pin for ISDN terminal adapters. Includes 1.8432, 3.6864, 7.68, 12.288, 15.36, and 18.432 MHz selections MicroClock*
2150 MK2150B clock,modem Motorola ISDN Card selectable UART and ISDN clocks. Fixed 4.096, 20.48, 36.864 MHz clocks. All zero ppm. SO16 MicroClock*
21505 video High performance RAMDAC AT&T
2151 DS2151Q telecom T1 Single-Chip Transceiver, PS (971 Kb) Dallas*
215121 215GT1NA21 video 3D RANGE Video ATI
2153 DS2153Q telecom E1 Single-Chip Transceiver, PS (972 Kb) Dallas*
2155 dsp DSP Microcomputer AD*
2156 dsp DSP Microcomputer AD*
2158 ADSP-21msp58 dsp Fully-integrated, single-chip DSP, data AD
2159 ADSP-21MSP59 dsp Fully integrated, single-chip DSP complete with a high performance analog front end, data AD

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

For more data about the above WWW sites and for more information sites. Do a search at 20+ distributors at once! Do a search for scarce chips at many brokers at once!

To get chips listed

When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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