Chip Directory

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Chip numbers starting with 800

nr name cat description manufacturer
800 800C mcu MCMOS MCU NS
800 AD800 t - PLL-based clock recovery circuit, for data rates, data AD
800 ADM800 system Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit, data AD
800 MAX800L mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.65 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
800 MAX800M mpuchk uP Supervisory Circuit with 4.4 V Reset Threshold Maxim*
800 NSC800 mpu 8-Bit CMOS* MPU (=~Z80), Card NS, SMC
800 SW-800 Software Drivers-Windows & DOS, data AD
800 TBA800 tv 8pin, tv chip
800 TSC800 adc 15 bit ADC 2.5 CPS Tel
800 Z800 mpu See 8108, 8116 Zilog*
800 Z80SIO0 ~ pinout Zilog*
8000 audio Digital audio chip for add-in and motherboards E-MU* $35 for DSP+ROM
8000 MCSP8000 mpu 8BIT CISC* CPU processor core MCS Logic
8000 PA-8000 mpu Fully 64-bits PA-RISC mpu HP*
8000 R8000 mpu RISC-family processor (TFP), MIPS*
8000 TDA8000 Smart card coupler DIL28 Philips
8000 XR8000 glue Microprocessor Support IC*, Data Exar
8000 XRT8000 isdn Clock Synchronizer/Adapter for Communications Exar
8000 Z8000 mpu 16/32-Bit MPU family, Z8000 Zilog*
80000 VNS80000 isdn VIP ISDN processor, Family ARM
80000 Z80000 mpu Central processing unit (never released?) Zilog*
8001 AD8001 amp* 800 MHz, 50 mW Current Feedback Amplifier, data AD
8001 AD8001 amp* high speed opamp* 125MHz AD
8001 TDA8001 Smart card interface DIL28 Philips
8001 XRT8001 isdn WAN Clock Exar
8001 Z8001 mpu 16/32-Bit segmented MPU, Z8001-Card, Z8000-Card Zilog*
8002 AD8002 amp* Dual* 600 MHz, 50 mW Current Feedback Amplifier, data AD
8002 CRT8002 video VDAC display controller SMC
8002 Z8002 mpu 16/32-Bit nonsegmented MPU, Z8002-Card, Z8000-Card Zilog*
8002 Z8002 mpu Z8000 MPU ST
8003 Z8003 mpu 16/32-Bit virtual memory MPU Zilog*
8004 AD8004 amp* Quad* 3000 V/µs 35mW Current Feedback Amplifier, data AD
8004 COM8004 error Companion device to COM5025 for 32 bit CRC SMC
8004 Z8004 mpu 16/32-Bit virtual memory MPU Zilog*
8005 AD8005 Single, Low Power, 225mHz, 280V/usec, THD=-50dB @10MHz, 10Mhz to 0.1dB, 28nsec, Iout=10mA, +5V or +/-5V Rail, Low Power, Iq=475µA, data AD
8005 TDA8005 mcu Smart card coupler and MCU Philips
8008 mpu 8-bit MPU predecessor of the 8080 Intel
8009 AD8009 amp* 1 GHz, 5,500 V/µs Low Distortion Amplifier, data AD

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

For more data about the above WWW sites and for more information sites. Do a search at 20+ distributors at once! Do a search for scarce chips at many brokers at once!

To get chips listed

When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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