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Chip numbers starting with 97

nr name cat description manufacturer
97 OP-97 OPAMP*, pinout Analog Devices
97 OP97 amp* Low Power, High Precision Operational Amplifier, data AD
970 clock 200 and 250 MHz Low Voltage PLL* Clock Drivers Motorola*
9701 AD9701 dac 250MSPS Video Digital-to-Analog Converter, data AD
9701 QT9701 sensor capacitive proximity sensing IC*, QRG*
9702 AD9702 video triple* 4 bit video DAC 200MHz ECL*/TTL AD
9705 ISC9705 mux* 320*288 Advanced Readout Multiplexer Indigo*
9708 AD9708 dac 8-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC D/A Converter, data AD
971 clock 200 and 250 MHz Low Voltage PLL* Clock Drivers Motorola*
9711 AM97C11 Gain-Programmable Amplifier, pinout National Semiconductor
9712 AD9712B dac 12-Bit, 100 MSPS, ECL* Compatible DAC, data AD
9712 SPT9712 dac 12-bit General Purpose converter DAC Input ECL* from SPT
9713 AD9713B dac 12-Bit, 80 MSPS, TTL Compatible DAC, data AD
9713 SPT9713 dac 12-bit General Purpose converter DAC Input TTL from SPT
9715 TDA9715A video VHS Y/C one-chip processor Philips
9716 eeprom 16k EEPROM NS
9716 eprom 2k*8 NMOS* UV EPROM* AMD
9716 9716 eprom EPROM* normal algorithm, 50msVpp=25.0V, Vcc*=5.0V AMD
972 clock 200 and 250 MHz Low Voltage PLL* Clock Drivers Motorola*
9720 AD9720 dac 10-Bit, 400 MSPS DAC, ECL* compatible, data AD
97208 TC97208 eeprom 32k*8 EEPROM Toshiba
9721 AD9721 dac 10-Bit, 400 MSPS DAC, TTL compatible, data AD
9725 TDA9725 video VHS video (Y/C) processor DIL32SHR Philips
973 clock 200 and 250 MHz Low Voltage PLL* Clock Drivers Motorola*
9731 AD9731 dac l0-Bit, 170 MSPS, Bipolar D/A Converter, data AD
9732 9732 eprom EPROM* normal algorithm, 50msVpp=25.0V, Vcc*=5.0V AMD
9732 9732A eprom EPROM* normal algorithm, 50msVpp=21.0V, Vcc*=5.0V AMD
9732 AD9732 dac 10-Bit, 200 MSPS DAC, data AD
974 AD974 4-Channel, 16-Bit, 200 ksps Data Acquisition System, data AD
9750 AD9750 dac 10-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC(R) D/A Converter, data AD
9752 AD9752 dac 12-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC(R) D/A Converter, data AD
9754 AD9754 dac 14-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC(R) D/A Converter, data AD
976 AD976 adc 16-Bit, 100 kSPS BiCMOS A/D Converter, data AD
976 AD976A adc 16-Bit, 200 kSPS BiCMOS A/D Converters, data AD
9760 AD9760 dac 10-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC D/A Converter, data AD
9761 AD9761 dac 10-Bit, Complete, 40 MSPS, dual* Transmit D/A Converter, data AD
9761 Am9761H mcu Single-Chip 8-Bit MCU with 4k/8k Bytes of EPROM* Program Memory AMD
9762 AD9762 dac 12-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC D/A Converter, data AD
9764 9764 eprom EPROM* intelligent algorithm Vpp*=21.0V, Vcc*=6.0V AMD
9764 AD9764 dac 14-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDACT D/A Converter, data AD
9768 AD9768 dac Ultrahigh Speed IC* D/A Converter, data AD
9768 AD9768 video 8 bit video DAC IO* 200MHz ECL* AD
977 AD977 adc 16-Bit, 100kSPS A/D Converter, data AD
977 AD977A adc 16-Bit, 200kSPS A/D Converter, data AD
9774 AD9774 dac 14-Bit, 32 MSPS TxDAC TM with 4x Interpolation Filters, data AD
9791 FDC9791 fdc floppy disk controller SMC
9795 FDC9795 fdc floppy disk controller SMC
9797 FDC9797 fdc floppy disk controller SMC

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

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To get chips listed

When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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