Chip Directory

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Chip numbers starting with 96

nr name cat description manufacturer
96 MCS-96 mcu 16-Bit MCU family, See 80198, 83196, 87196 Intel*
96 R96DP modem 9600 bps* Data Pump Modem Rockwell*
96 R96EFX modem 9600 bps* MONOFAX Modem with Error Detection Rockwell*
96 R96FI modem 9600 bps* Facsimile Modem Rockwell*
96 R96FT modem 9600 bps* Fast Train Modem Rockwell*
96 R96FT modem 9600 bps* Fast Train Modem with Forward Secondary Channel Rockwell*
96 R96MD modem 9600 bps* Facsimile Modem Rockwell*
96 R96MEB modem Modem Evaluation Board Rockwell*
96 R96MFX modem 9600 bps* MONOFAX Modem Rockwell*
96 R96PCJ modem 9600 bps* PC Communication Modem Rockwell*
96 R96QT modem 9600 QuickTurn Modem Rockwell*
96 R96SC modem 9600 bps* Fast Train Modem with Forward Secondary Channel Rockwell*
960 mcu Tools Intel
960 mpu See 80960 Intel
9600 telecom Fax chip-set, Regs UMC*?
9600 KR9600 keyb Keyboard encoder SMC,GI:AY53600,TI:TMS5001
96000 dsp 32-bit digital signal processor family Motorola*
9601 logic Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator NS
9601 KR9601 keyb Keyboard encoder SMC
9601 XE9601 modem,module MODULE, N. America & Japan 9600 baud* modem module Xecom*
9602 logic dual* Retriggerable Resettable Monostable Multivibrator NS
9602 logic dual* retrig one-shot (=74123) Fairchild
9602 KR9602 keyb Keyboard encoder SMC
9610 TDA9610 radio Audio FM* processor for VHS hi-fi audio Philips
9614 driver dual* Diff Line Driver NS
9614 TDA9614 video VHS stereo audio processor Philips
9615 rcvr dual* Diff Line Receiver NS
9616 driver triple* Line Driver NS
9617 AD9617 amp* Low Distortion, Precision, Wide Bandwidth Op Amp*, data AD
96172 driver quad* Diff Line Driver NS
96173 rcvr quad* Diff Line Receiver NS
96174 driver quad* Ditf line Driver NS
96175 rcvr quad* Diff Line Receiver NS
96177 driver? quad* Diff Line Repeater NS
96178 driver? quad* Diff Line Repeater NS
9618 AD9618 amp* Low Distortion, Precision, Wide Bandwidth Op Amp*, data AD
962 logic triple* 3-Input NAND* Gate NS
9622 rcvr dual* Line Receiver NS
9627 rcvr dual* Line Receiver NS
9630 AD9630 amp* Low Distortion, 750 MHz Closed-Loop Buffer Amp*, data AD
9631 AD9631 amp* Ultralow Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Op Amps, data AD
9632 AD9632 amp* Ultralow Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Op Amps, data AD
9636 driver dual* Prog Slew Rate Driver NS
9637 rcvr dual* Diff Line Receiver NS
9638 driver dual* Hi Speed Diff Line Driver NS
9639 rcvr dual* Diff Line Receiver NS
965123 CYM9651/2/3 bus Raceway Interlink Modules, Data Cypress*
96545 CYM9654/5 bus Raceway Interlink Modules, Data Cypress*
9660 AD9660 driver 200 MHz Laser Diode Driver with Light Power Control, data AD
9661 AD9661A driver Laser Diode Driver with Light Power Control, data AD
9667 driver Darlington Drivers NS
96685 AD96685 cmp Ultra Fast ECL* Comparator, data AD
96687 AD96687 cmp Ultra Fast ECL* Comparator, data AD
9690 ADM9690 monitor Power Supply and Watchdog Timer Monitoring Circuit, data AD
9696 R9696DP modem V.32 9600 bps* Full-Duplex Modem Rockwell*
9696 ad9696kn cmp comparator AD

Other sites where you can search on chip number Very good! Registration is needed in advance. Will be closed spring 2002. Registration is needed before you can download datasheets. Chips can sometimes be ordered via Arrow/Avnet. In Japanese only.

For more data about the above WWW sites and for more information sites. Do a search at 20+ distributors at once! Do a search for scarce chips at many brokers at once!

To get chips listed

When you're the webmaster/database manager of an IC* manufacturer and you'd like to get your IC*'s listed on sites like these (including the ICMaster) but don't want to deal with all sites separately, a couple of us are trying to set up a system whereby the IC* manufacturers just put a comma seperated value's (.csv) file on their site with all of their data and we all read that regurarly and work the data into our databases of chips. Please visit for more details. One of the manufacturers already cooperating is ON Semiconductor (formerly part of Motorola).

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